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Other Preliminary Work,
Concepts and Studies

The first set of sketches was done for the gun violence poster. I wasn’t sure whether to use a college student or a younger child for this concept. In the end, I chose to paint a little boy, as the subject matter.


The next set of sketches was done for my comic book, “The Legend of Ryn”. Here, I practiced paneling and posing.


The third photo is a section of a storyboard that I did for my children’s book, "Speck".


In the fourth image, you can see the development that I made with my "Sandpiper Press" logo.  My final work utilizes the same circle idea that I used here.


The fifth image shows two movie concepts that I chose for a project. I ultimately decided the imagery was better in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” poster.


Finally, I compiled a few of my sketches, because sometimes better ideas strike you when you are just doodling for fun. 

SADS Process Book

This is a process book that I created to showcase the steps I take when I tackle a project. For the SADS project, I started with off with researching the topic. Next, I looked for inspiration from other artists that created medical posters in the past. After that, I went through a sketching phase and chose the best concepts, to take to the computer for digital mock-ups. Lastly, I selected the best designs, that I created from the computer mock-ups, and finalized them.


SADS Process Book Cover

SADS Process Book Cover

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

SADS Process Book

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Gun Violence Poster Sketches

Gun Violence Poster Sketches

Comic Book Sketches

Comic Book Sketches

Speck Story Board

Speck Story Board

Sandpiper Press Logo Development

Sandpiper Press Logo Development

Poster Sketches

Poster Sketches

Sketch Book Doodles

Sketch Book Doodles



Sample Sketchbooks

A sketchbook is very important. I like to really fill up the pages, whenever I get one. These are two sketchbook that I completed to help improve my drawing skills a bit more. Some of the drawings are more complete than others, since most of these were just exercises. Feel free to look through and see what I was working on. 



1-Hour Drawings

This is a set of drawings that I completed. I set an hour timer for each page, to get help improve my drawing skills.   

Even More


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